

To May Day – Chengdu Wesley Opportunities After Pandemic

In 2023, when delivering a keynote speech at the high-level dialogue between the CPC and the world political parties, President Xi said that mankind is a community with a shared future in which all gains and losses are shared. We must adhere to sharing opportunities, jointly creating the future, and jointly expand the "cake" of human social modernization, striving to make the achievements of modernization more and more equitable and benefit people of all countries.

To simplify the road, practical work is essential. The key to building a Community of Common Destiny is action.

Embrace the world and practice diligently without slacking off. In the field of kidney disease, we WESLEY has been committed to building a global community of kidney health and contributing to the overall solution of Wesley hemodialysis for global Uremia patients.

As the May Day International Labour Day is approaching, let's take stock of the moment of WESLEY in overseas market in 2023.

First Station: Dubai, U.A.E
Arab Dubai Exhibition, Opening a New Journey of Internationalization.
Let the world have a better understanding of national brand hemodialysis devices, and let the world have a better understanding of WESLEY.

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Second Station: Indonesia
Key Customer Market, Helping to Upgrade Customer Capabilities.
Engineer training, solve customer pain points and assist in improving customer capabilities.

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Third Station: Philippines
Potential Market, Improving Quality and Efficiency.
Dig deep into the potential of old customers and expand new ones.

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Fourth Station: Malaysia
Strategic Market
Malaysia is WESLEY international strategic market, with a diversified layout and services.

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Fifth Station: Ethiopia
Emerging Markets With Unlimited Potential.
Emerging markets, intensive cultivation.

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Sixth Station: Kenya
Emerging Markets
WESLEY RO water purification system is highly popular, "even distant water can quench thirst"

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Seventh Station: Tanzania
Emerging Markets, Diversified Layout
Diversified layout, providing overall solutions for hemodialysis.

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Eighth Station: Côte d'Ivoire
Future Market With Great Potential
Company on-site inspection, engineer training, on-site research on the application demonstration base of WESLY, and in-depth communication and cooperation.

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Ninth Station: Indonesia
Key of the Key
Visit Indonesia again. Customer centric, endless service!

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Tenth Station: Cuba
Future Market, Foreseeable Future
Officials from the Cuban Ministry of Health are visiting the company for inspection, and the future is promising.

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Under the advocacy of "the Belt and Road" and "domestic and international double circulation", the tide of Chinese enterprises going to sea is coming. How to tell the story of China well, achieve the internationalization strategy of enterprises, and take root in more overseas countries is something that Chengdu Weisheng has been striving to explore and practice.

We have been committed to building a national brand for hemodialysis, serving global kidney disease patients, and building a global kidney health community!

Pay tribute to every trendsetter who braves the wind and waves to care for their kidneys and health!

Post time: Jul-19-2023